Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Today I would l like to talk about garlic.  Garlic is a healing herb that can prevent illness but also heal the outside of the body. One of the books I rely on for my family is "The Natural Remedies Encyclopedia. (

I put dump 4-6 tablespoons of garlic in most of my dinner meals. Most of my meals are currently very simple. For example, dry pinto beans with garlic, cooked in the crockpot for 4-6 hours. We eat a side dishes of organic brown rice, guacamole and salsa.  We eat this meal 3-4 days out of the week.

Pinto beans are from Aldi
I buy the garlic from Costco

I am currently using Garlic as a healing herb. I have a red rash, the size of a dime near my coller bone. I have been putting Garlic on this spot for 3 days at a time, using bandaids to hold the garlic in place.  The first layer of the red rash peeled off after 3 days of garlic treatment. I let the area air out for several days and now I am going to apply Garlic for another 3 days.  I am thinking that the red rash could be a form of skin cancer so I am trying the herbal route first.  

Here are some other sites recommending to use garlic as a healing herb.  

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